Beat the Dutch Defense

"A Killer Weapon Against the Dutch Defense" Once upon a time in Chicago... My meeting with…

Jan Boekelman
The Modernized Arkhangelsk Variation

You are holding the very first book I have ever written! Thanks for your time and attention, and…

Viktor Erdos
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol. 2

On this Fritztrainer, IM Oliver Reeh has compiled his favorites from the CBM column “ Tune your Tactics”…

Oliver Reeh
Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol. 1

In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can’t go on without tactics. You…

Oliver Reeh
Master Class Tactics Vol. 1+2

Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills! Vol. 1 In almost every chess game there comes…

Oliver Reeh
Chessbase Magazine 209 (+DVD)

The start page of ChessBase Magazine #209 gives you direct access to the editors' recommendations: the highlights of the…

The Most Exciting Chess Games Ever

Twenty years ago, New In Chess magazine started its own Proust Questionnaire, entitled Just Checking. In this back…

Steve Giddins
Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren (Hardcover)

Korchnoi and his Chess Grandchildren features 25 of Viktor Korchnoi’s best games from the latter stages of his…

Vladimir Barsky
Fischer - Spassky 1972 (Hardcover)

The World Championship match between Fischer and Spassky in Reykjavik 1972 was played at the height of the…

Tibor Károlyi
Fischer - Spassky 1972

The World Championship match between Fischer and Spassky in Reykjavik 1972 was played at the height of the…

Tibor Károlyi
The Hungarian Dragon

The Hungarian Dragon (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Nc6 7.f3 h5!?) is…

Junior Tay
American Chess Magazine Issue 28

During a 50-year chess teaching career, from the Fischer-Spassky match to Beth Harmon in Queen's Gambit, Pandolfini has…

Chess Classics - Games you must know

The video course presents a fine selection of 33 classic chess games, played between the 18th century and…

Dorian Rogozenco
American Chess Magazine  - Th Spirit of 1897

The year 2022 marks the 125th anniversary of one of the most influential chess publications in American history,…

Italienische Eröffnung für Weiß

Die Italienische Eröffnung ist eine der ältesten Eröffnungen der Schachgeschichte, die bereits im 15ten Jahrhundert erwähnt wurde, aber…

Justus Bargsten
New In Chess Magazine 2022/5

6 The Nation’s Gambit A best-selling Norwegian thriller with a mind-blowing chess plot seems destined to be turned into a…

NIC Editorial team
Opening Repertoire: Richter-Veresov Attack

The Richter-Veresov Attack is characterized by the moves 1 d4, 2 Nc3 and 3 Bg5. It is a…

Cyrus Lakdawala
3.h4 against the King’s Indian and Grünfeld

For some time now, we’ve known that the strongest chess engines like to push their flank pawns up…

Sipke Ernst
Move by move - (how to) get into a master's mind!

The best way to improve at chess is to carefully study master games, stop at certain positions and…

Chess set for 3 players - Medium

A unique chess set for 3 players. With regard for its medium size it is considered an economical…

Sunrise Handicrafts